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  Sorting items in a linked list

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This document describes a sorting algorithm that is very efficient and well suited for single linked lists. It is a stable merging sorting algorithm with O(N.log(N)) worst case performance and O(N) best case performance.

Introduction: linked lists

If you have a set of objects within a program you can store them in a few different ways. Arrays are the most common way to store a set of objects but other data structures are also possible, like linked lists and trees, each having their own advantages/disadvantages.

Each object needs to have a Next property that points to the next object in line. The list can be passed on by passing the first item of the list. The second item can be found via the first item via Next, the third via the Next property of the second item etc etc. The end of the list is reached if the Next property is unassigned. This is called a single linked list. If each object also has a Previous property it is called a double linked list.

Figure 1. A sample single linked list.

Insertion in a linked list is extremely fast and no array or whatever is needed to keep the list. Traversing the list is easy but a linked list has no fast random access: get item number 123. If the list is a double linked list, deletions are very fast too.

Introduction: Sorting algorithms

There are numerous different sorting algorithms. Most sorting algorithms describe sorting in an array. They tend to sort items by comparing two items and swapping their places (or not). Some are more efficient than others. For example the simple bubble sort algorithm tends to become four times slower when the number of items doubles in the array. The quicksort algorithm does better, but can exhibit the same behavior on some specific inputs.

The efficiency of a sorting algorithm is usually given by the expected and worst case amount of compares needed to sort N items. For bubblesort the expected amount of compares is O(N.N), for quicksort it is O(N.log(N)). Especially if N is large quicksort becomes faster and faster compared to Bubblesort since log(N) is smaller than N if N > 1. Quicksort, in worst case, also needs O(N.N) compares and swaps.

Most algorithms are not well suited for single linked lists. They assume that you have full random access or forward and backward access. In a single linked list you only have access to the first item and from there you only can traverse forward, scanning the items one by one; no random access whatsoever.

Merge sort

A merging sort algorithm merges small sorted lists to larger sorted lists. Merging two sorted lists is quite a simple algorithm: as long as both lists contain items, compare the top of each list with each other and place the smallest item on the bottom of another list. If one list is exhausted, the new list can be placed on top that one and we end up with a single sorted list.

The algorithm starts with N 'lists' each containing a single item. Single item lists are always sorted by nature. The first pass merges those N lists to N / 2 lists of length 2. The next pass merges it to N / 4 lists of length 4. After log(N) merge passes we end up with a single merged list of all N items. In each pass the algorithm must do N compares max. So the algorithm must do O(N.log(N)) on average and worst case.

Here the process is depicted in a figure:

Figure 2. Merging four 3 item lists into one.

Keeping a stack of merged lists

If you use the algorithm as described above you need to keep track of N lists max. This means you need quite an array for bookkeeping, or another reference in each object. There is a simple trick that relieves this bookkeeping to log(N) + 1 lists max.

If we keep a small array of lists, the stack, with the first slot can contain only lists of length 1. The second slot can only contain a list of length 2, the third slot can only contain lists of length 4 etc. If we want to place a list of 1 item in the first slot, we succeed if it was empty or, if do a merge with the list in the first slot and empty the first slot. We now have a list of size 2 and can do the same with the second slot etc, until we reach a slot without a list. Since each slot in the small array keeps the double amount of items of the previous slot we only need log(N) + 1 slots in the array. A general maximum of 32 would be enough for 32 bit processors.

After all items are added, we end up with 1 or more slots being occupied by lists. We first scan for the first list we can find and keep on scanning the whole array and propagate that list to the next item each step, doing a merge if that slot was occupied. We end with the full sorted list in the last slot of the array.

It makes the algorithm even faster. Since we access recently accessed items more often the caches of modern processors can do a better job and enhance the performance even further.

Figure 3. List-sizes while merge sorting 5 items with a stack.

Using natural order

Instead of creating single item lists to start with, we can use the natural order of the items in the unsorted list. The first item is always picked up. As long as there is an item and that item is equal or larger that the last item found, we can append it. If not, we keep the list found so far and start again with the smaller item found. This adds a maximum of N - 1 compares to the algorithm. If we keep a special case for two items and swap those in order we make an extra N / 2 compares compared to the situation without using natural order.

On the other hand if the list was already sorted we only need N - 1 compares to verify that and we're done. The best case performance is O(N), and the worst case still O(N.log(N)). This improvement also works great if the unsorted list contains sorted streaks.

Some Delphi code implementing the sorting algorithm

If you can 'read' Delphi code you can read a quite optimized implementation of the sorting algorithm below.

// Allow the compare to be specified by the user. TBaseItemComparator = function(ItemA, ItemB: TBaseItem): Boolean; procedure TBaseList.Sort(LessOrEqual: TBaseItemComparator; UseNaturalOrder: Boolean); var i: Integer; Item, Next, LastItem, StackItem, Sentinel: TBaseItem; Stack: array [0..31] of TBaseItem; // A Maximum of 2 billion items. begin // Sanity check // Is there anything to sort? since it only contains 0 or 1 item if FCount <= 1 then Exit; // Create a sentinel for performance. Sentinel := TBaseItem.Create; try // Cleanup the stack for i := Low(Stack) to High(Stack) do Stack[i] := nil; // Feed all items to the stack Item := FFirst; if UseNaturalOrder then begin repeat // Get a string of items that is already sorted Next := Item.FNext; if Assigned(Next) then begin // We have another item... check if it belongs to the string... if LessOrEqual(Item,Next) then begin // Yep, we have a string... //keep on going until we reach the end of it repeat StackItem := Next; Next := Next.FNext; until (not Assigned(Next)) or (not LessOrEqual(StackItem,Next)); end else begin // Nope, we do not have a string but // we know that we have two items sorted in reverse. // If we exchange Item with StackItem, // we have a small sorted string of length 2 StackItem := Item; Item := Next; Next := Next.FNext; Item.FNext := StackItem; end; // Close the string found... StackItem.FNext := nil; end else begin // There was only one item left... add a single item... Item.FNext := nil; end; // Merge the found string pointed by Item into the stack i := 0; while Assigned(Stack[i]) do begin // Merge the item we have now with the item on the stack position [i] LastItem := Sentinel; StackItem := Stack[i]; Stack[i] := nil; repeat if LessOrEqual(StackItem,Item) then begin LastItem.FNext := StackItem; LastItem := StackItem; StackItem := StackItem.FNext; if Assigned(StackItem) then Continue; LastItem.FNext := Item; Break; end else begin LastItem.FNext := Item; LastItem := Item; Item := Item.FNext; if Assigned(Item) then Continue; LastItem.FNext := StackItem; Break; end; until False; // The full merged Item can be found on the next ref of the sentinel Item := Sentinel.FNext; // And look one merge level above Inc(i); end; // Store the merged Item on the stack Stack[i] := Item; // And try the next item Item := Next; until not Assigned(Item); end else begin repeat // Get a single item as a sorted 'linked list' Next := Item.FNext; Item.FNext := nil; // Merge the found item into the stack i := 0; while Assigned(Stack[i]) do begin // Merge the item we have now with the item on the stack position [i] LastItem := Sentinel; StackItem := Stack[i]; Stack[i] := nil; repeat if LessOrEqual(StackItem,Item) then begin LastItem.FNext := StackItem; LastItem := StackItem; StackItem := StackItem.FNext; if Assigned(StackItem) then Continue; LastItem.FNext := Item; Break; end else begin LastItem.FNext := Item; LastItem := Item; Item := Item.FNext; if Assigned(Item) then Continue; LastItem.FNext := StackItem; Break; end; until False; // The full merged Item can be found on the next ref of the sentinel Item := Sentinel.FNext; // And look one merge level above Inc(i); end; // Store the merged Item on the stack Stack[i] := Item; // And try the next item Item := Next; until not Assigned(Item); end; // Now all Items are on the stack but multiple stack linked lists may exist... // For Stable sort: the Lists on lower stack positions // are added after the higher positions // Propagate all items to one item on top of the stack... i := 0; while not Assigned(Stack[i]) do Inc(i); Item := Stack[i]; Inc(i); while i < Length(Stack) do begin if Assigned(Stack[i]) then begin // Merge... // Merge the item we have now with the item on the stack position [i] LastItem := Sentinel; StackItem := Stack[i]; Stack[i] := nil; repeat if LessOrEqual(StackItem,Item) then begin LastItem.FNext := StackItem; LastItem := StackItem; StackItem := StackItem.FNext; if Assigned(StackItem) then Continue; LastItem.FNext := Item; Break; end else begin LastItem.FNext := Item; LastItem := Item; Item := Item.FNext; if Assigned(Item) then Continue; LastItem.FNext := StackItem; Break; end; until False; // The full merged Item can be found on the next reference of the sentinel Item := Sentinel.FNext; end; Inc(i); end; // Re-hook the sorted list to FFirst and rehook all the FPrev items FFirst := Item; LastItem := nil; repeat Item.FPrev := LastItem; LastItem := Item; Item := Item.FNext; until not Assigned(Item); FLast := LastItem; // The double linked list is now in correct state... finally // Release the sentinel... Sentinel.Free; end; end;
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